It's a Crime
Energy Theft/Meter Tampering
Energy theft is a crime punishable by law. Meter tampering and energy theft are crimes that can result in property damage, electric shock, fire, explosions or even death. PC Electric also recognizes that theft is a contributing factor to higher utility rates. The cooperative is committed to combating this problem using every available means and to recovering lost revenues when a theft is detected. PC Electric employees are trained to detect meter tampering and energy theft, but you can help also. If you suspect meter tampering or energy theft, first stay away from that area for your safety and then contact us at 225-638-3751 or 800-738-7232.
Copper Theft
Please help us prevent thieves from endangering you or a loved one's life. With the increase of copper theft, PC Electric urges you to follow the following guidelines to guard against electrical dangers.
Never enter a substation.
Stay away from power lines and anything touching a power line.
If you notice anything unusual with electric facilities such as an open/damaged substation gate or fence, open equipment, or hanging wire, contact your electric co-op immediately.
If you see anyone around electric substations or electric facilities other than co-op personnel, call PC Electric immediately at 225-638-3751 or 800-738-7232.
Attaching Objects to Poles
Attaching items to a utility pole is not only illegal and in violation of the National Electric Safety Code, but it also places the lives of line workers and the public in danger.
It puts line crews at risk as well as anyone illegally placing these items on poles. These individuals come dangerously close to energized power lines with thousands of volts of energy running overhead.
It is required by law to keep any structure at least 10 feet away from power lines and utility equipment.
Sharp objects like nails, tacks, staples, or barbed wire partially driven into a pole can pierce a line workers glove, stripping away critical protection from high-voltage electricity making linemen vulnerable to electrocution.
Please help us keep our linemen and our community safe. Report any unauthorized items attached to utility poles to PC Electrtic at 225-638-3751 or 800-738-7232. Fixtures not belonging to the cooperative or another utility will be removed by PC Electric line personnel; the co-op is not responsible for any losses if an item is damaged or destroyed during removal.
Louisiana's Overhead Power Line Safety Act
To further promote worker and public safety, the Louisiana legislature has adopted the following rules to be followed by those who work near overhead power lines.
Louisiana law (LRS 45:141-146) prohibits unauthorized persons from working, including moving equipment, within ten feet of any high voltage overhead electric utility line.
If any unauthorized person intends to work within ten feet of any high voltage overhead electric utility line, the person responsible for the work to be done must notify the owner or operator of the high voltage overhead electric utility line not less than forty-eight hours prior to commencing work.
Work shall be performed only after satisfactory mutual arrangements have been completed between the owner or operator of the high voltage overhead electric utility line and the person responsible for the work to be done.
To notify PC Electric that you intend to work within ten feet of a high voltage overhead electric utility line owned or operated by it, please call 225- 638-3751 or 800-738-7232.