Call before you dig

Call Before you dig Safety


Building, Renovating, or Landscaping
Call Before You Dig!

Louisiana One Call is a free service to help you dig safely. They will alert PC Electric so that we can mark nearby underground facilities before you start digging. When planning to landscape, make an addition to an existing building or building a new structure, we require a 10-foot clearance from all electrical equipment and power lines.

Call Louisiana One Call (Dial 811), wait for the marks, respect the marks, look above, and dig with care!

Building and Renovating:
All construction must be located no less than 10 feet away from the overhead power lines, underground power lines, and electrical transformers/equipment. This includes the placement of any pre-fabricated or moveable structures, vehicles, trailers or equipment.

If you are building an addition, do not enclose a meter loop within the new structure. Electric meter loops must be accessible for purpose of installation, operation, meter reading, maintenance, or removal of utility property. These specifications can be found under the Meter Loop Specifications section of the Member Handbook and on this website. These specifications are required for the safety of individuals and property.

Before all digging and planting, call Louisiana Once Call (811), wait for the marks, respect the marks, look above for power lines and dig with care. It is required that nothing is planted within a 10-foot radius of the overhead power lines, underground power lines, and electrical transformers/equipment.

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