The Seasonal Switch

We are a couple months into fall and some have already made the seasonal switch from cooling to heating their home during some cooler days. Not only do we bring out our favorite sweaters and start packing away the summer gear, but our home and energy habits also needs to adapt to the new season as the cold weather comes in. Here are a few ways you can do that.

Update Your Thermostat

There are a lot of smart and programmable thermostats on the market. The key to successful savings is to make sure the thermostat is working around your unique schedule. When leaving the home, set your thermostat to lower the heat a few degrees. Once you return or shortly before you return, allow the heating system to recover around 68 degrees F.

Drapes and Blinds

Contrary to summer time, allowing direct sunlight into a home during the cold months is beneficial. Take advantage of the day time sunlight to warm the south side of your home. At night, close the drapes and blinds to create an extra barrier to prevent drafts.

Doors and Windows

Wind and drafts are more common during the cold months. There’s no better time than now to close holes, seals and gaps around exterior doors and windows. Use a door threshold or sweep at the bottom to keep your heat from escaping. Make sure windows are locked and the outermost frame sealed from allowing cold air in.

Remember, energy efficiency doesn’t have to be difficult. Focus on small changes to save big. Learn more about ways to save energy by visiting our website at Members can also stop by our office for more energy saving tips at 2506 False River Drive in New Roads Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Pointe Coupee Electric is your local electric cooperative that has served parts of Iberville, Pointe Coupee and West Baton Rouge parishes for over 75 years. We are an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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